
LaRondelle Sermons is unavailable, but you can change that!

Perhaps no seminary professor in Adventist history has won more respect from evangelical academia than the late Hans K. LaRondelle. This collection presents part two of his lifeworks, brimming with vintage content licensed by Logos from two laptops that he left behind—some of it unpublished material. This section contains a variety of sermons preached by LaRondelle on topics ranging from...

be a message to proclaim. He Himself was and is the Message. Not His teachings, but Himself, constituted Christianity (in Min., May, 1986, 7). No wonder a true revival of the gospel took place in those GC meetings among our pastors. It seemed as if the revival of 1888 was repeated. The secretary of the GC, Arthur G. Daniells, wrote the book Christ Our Righteousness in 1926 to spread this revival among all our people. Daniells tried to teach that the message of RbF needs not only to be understood
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